The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Director: Mark Webb
Cast: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, Dane DeHaan, Campbell Scott, Embeth Davidtz, Colm Feore, Paul Giamatti, Sally Field
While Peter Parker attempts to uncover the truth about his late father and keep away from the woman he loves, two new enemies emerge. Max Dillon, a nondescript engineer, transforms into Electro and Peter's childhood friend and CEO of Oscorp Harry Osborn becomes Green Goblin. The follow-up to The Amazing Spider-Man offers more of the same with diminished returns. Garfield and Stone continue to inhabit their roles with charm, but the two villains are poorly conceived. Electro's superpower also appears to be his kryptonite. What's that all about? Green Goblin, on the other hand, only shows up for the final battle and makes no impression whatsoever. Well, at least his mouth moves, which must be considered an improvement on Spider-Man. The stakes never seem terribly high when Spidey jokes his way through each and every adversity or flies about in the CGI-heavy action scenes.