Hammerman Ikon

Hammerman Ikon Film Guide

Bride of Frankenstein
Director: James Whale
Cast: Boris Karloff, Colin Clive, Valerie Hobson, Elsa Lanchester, Ernest Thesiger, E. E. Clive, Oliver Peters Heggie, Una O'Connor, Dwight Frye

After his experiment failed catastrophically, Henry Frankenstein wants to concentrate on his marriage, but he is forced back by his old mentor Dr. Pretorius, who wants to build a mate for the monster. The first sequel to Frankenstein, and the last one directed by James Whale, has become an enduring classic because of its iconic design and terrific character development. The monster is no longer a one-dimensional bad guy, but a tragic and desperately lonely man who seeks companionship and acceptance. As a consequence, Whale's melancholic film deals with prejudice.