Hammerman Ikon

Hammerman Ikon Film Guide

Director: Andrei Tarkovsky
Cast: Alexander Kaidanovsky, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Alisa Freindlich, Nikolai Grinko, Natasha Abramova, Faime Jurno, Evgeniy Kostin, Raimo Rendi, Vladimir Zamansky

A man known as Stalker agrees to guide two academics through the Zone, a mysterious sealed-off area with extraterrestrial presence, to the Room, which allegedly grants the wishes of anyone who enters it. Andrei Tarkovsky's most celebrated film is an intriguing philosophical and intellectual exercise. As a cinematic experience, however, it is long, slow, static, and dull. Based on Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.