Hammerman Ikon

Hammerman Ikon Film Guide

Siu Lam juk kau (Shaolin Soccer)
Director: Stephen Chow
Cast: Stephen Chow, Zhao Wei, Ng Man-tat, Patrick Tse, Danny Chan Kwok-kwan, Wong Yat-fei, Mok Mei-lam, Tin Kai-man, Lam Chi-chung

Sing needs a channel to promote the benefits of Shaolin kung fu. Fung needs to prove that he can still coach a successful football team. The two join forces with the rest of the Shaolin brothers to form a football team that applies special kung fu powers on the pitch, with the aim to win the national football tournament. The following spectacle has very little to do with kung fu, and even less with football, but Stephen Chow's outrageous movie offers an entertaining mix of wacky humour, inventive stunts, and sweet romance.