Hammerman Ikon

Hammerman Ikon Film Guide

Snow White and the Huntsman
Director: Rupert Sanders
Cast: Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, Chris Hemsworth, Sam Claflin, Sam Spruell, Ian McShane, Bob Hoksins, Toby Jones, Eddie Marsan, Johnny Harris, Ray Winstone, Nick Frost

Queen Ravenna seizes power by killing King Magnus and locking up his beautiful daughter Snow White. When Snow White, who holds the key to eternal youth, manages to escape, the vain Queen coerces a widowed huntsman to track her down. Rupert Sanders' feature debut is another reimagining of the classic fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. This version does not put a modern spin on the story, but turns it into a typical post-LOTR/Harry Potter/Narnia fantasy movie. Every character (be it princess, warrior, troll, or dwarf), magical spell, enchanted setting, or battle scene feels second-hand. The film is visually rich but oddly somber and joyless throughout its running time. Followed by a prequel/sequel The Huntsman: Winter's War (2016) without Snow White.